Evening Watercolor Painting, ages 16+ – Octagon Center for the Arts

Watercolor Painting, Ages 18 +
Skill Level: Beginning – Intermediate

Tuesdays, 6 – 9 p.m.
Jan. 14 – Feb. 11 (5 weeks) $135

Learn and practice brush control, color mixing, general principles, techniques and tricks using watercolors. Students will learn to simulate texture and patterns resulting from combining and layering or glazing their paints. Basic skills in the use of transparent watercolors, investigation of color and color theory, design principles including composition, and how to decide what to keep or eliminate in your art will be covered. Students will be required to bring their own materials to class. See Materials list below.

Class size limit: 12
Studio Location: Adams Studio

Instructor: Mike Mittermeier
Learn more about Mike Mittermeier on Facebook, or on Instagram @mikemittermeier

MATERIALS LIST: Please bring the following to class

Transparent (Tube) watercolors. Tube watercolors are best and last longer than pan/palette watercolors.
Cadmium Red or Alizarin crimson
Cadmium Yellow or Lemon yellow
Raw Sienna
Ultramarine Blue or Cerulean Blue
Hookers Green or Cadmium yellow
Ivory Black or Paynes grey
Burnt Sienna
Optional-Chinese white

I have used Winsor Newton, Holbein and Schminke. (Holbein is my favorite) Try to stay clear of the pan sets, they are ok, however, they don’t last and quality is not as good.

9” x 12 “ Cold Press Watercolor Pad from any of the following: Winsor & Newton, Canson, Strathmore, or Arches

#8 Bright or flat
# 10 or 14 Round
# 0-2 Round long bristles

*Get the best brushes you can afford. A Mix Synthetic brush lasts and lasts. These brushes are made with a mixture of synthetic filaments designed to replicate the properties of natural hair like sable, often with added benefits like increased longevity and better color release.

~Kolinski are pricey, but they are great for holding paint and have a more natural feel.
~Red sable is resilient and budget friendly.
~Chinese brushes are also great to have, less expensive than sable.

The Watercolor color wheel A reference guide to watercolor colors, available at Jerry’s Artarama and Amazon
Xacto Knife (Or something similar)
Hake 2 or 3 inch and natural sponge/elephant ear sponge (Hobby Lobby, Amazon, Jerry’s Artarama)

***The Octagon will provide HB graphite pencils, kneaded erasers, paper towels and water basin/containers

If the Octagon cancels a class: The Octagon reserves the right to cancel a class at least 7 days prior to the start date if minimum enrollment is not met. If we cancel a class you will receive a full refund.*

If you cancel enrollment: 30 or more days prior to the start date, you will receive a full refund of class cost. At least 15 days prior to the start date, you will receive a 50% refund of class cost. No refund will be given for cancellations less than 7 days before the start of any class.

*Credit card processing fees will not be refunded*

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Feb 11 2025


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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The Octagon Center for the Arts
427 Douglas Ave, Ames, IA 50010


The Octagon Center for the Arts
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