by | Apr 3, 2024
Create a set of small visual reminders of the need to slow down and be present in your life. Zen gardens emphasize the principles of naturalness (Shizen), simplicity (Kanso) and austerity (koko). To make a mini version you will decorate a small wood container filled...
by | Apr 3, 2024
Get in losers, Mean Girls is coming to town! Catch the Broadway musical at Stephens Auditorium on Thursday, April 11, but make sure you wear a set of bracelets so fetch even a plastic will compliment you. Spell out your favorite Mean Girls quote with our letter beads...
by | Feb 16, 2024
Glass Magnets! Choose from a collection of inspirational messages and imagery to create a set of four glass magnets. Drop-in February 15-28, Monday-Friday 2-9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $8 in studio/$9 to go The Workspace at the Memorial Union has lots of new...
by | Feb 16, 2024
Glass Magnets! Choose from a collection of inspirational messages and imagery to create a set of four glass magnets. Drop-in February 15-28, Monday-Friday 2-9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $8 in studio/$9 to go The Workspace at the Memorial Union has lots of new...