Octagon Art Festival – Octagon Center for the Arts

Octagon Art Festival – Octagon Center for the Arts

The Octagon Art Festival takes place the fourth Sunday of September along Main Street in downtown Ames, IA. The festival is held outdoors on pavement, RAIN OR SHINE. Visual arts, children’s art area, food vendors and performing arts form the foundation of the...
Gathering of Artists – ft. Jennifer Drinkwater

Gathering of Artists – ft. Jennifer Drinkwater

We are so happy about the return of the Gathering of Artists, and YOU ARE INVITED!  Join us on Tues., July 18 from 5 – 7 p.m., and see the work of visual artist Jennifer Drinkwater at the MU Art Gallery (2229 Lincoln Way, First Floor, ISU Memorial Union, Ames)....
Octagonal 2023: The All Media Show

Octagonal 2023: The All Media Show

Octagonal: The All-Media Show is the annual, juried all-media exhibition at the Octagon Center for the Arts in Ames, Iowa. Originally titled the Clay and Paper Show, the exhibit opened in 1968 to provide an opportunity to the central Iowa arts community. Over the past...