by | Oct 15, 2024
Learn how to use encaustic medium (beeswax and natural tree resin) to collage on a hot palette. We will have a variety of papers and other ephemera to experiment with but encourage participants to bring some of their own. We will also use encaustic paint to make...
by | Sep 1, 2021
A reception to celebrate the works of all artists in the show. Plus impromptu poetry readings of the show artists in attendance. See the Facebook event here. This event is part of Image & Text: Visual Art and Creative Writing in Partnership. Image & Text...
by | Sep 1, 2021
A drop-in activity to learn about and create eraser poetry and collage alongside a public open mic night. Share the creative writing in your life. $5 suggested donation to help The Octagon cover material costs. Partnership with the Emerging Writers. This event is part...