Mini Zen Garden and Stone Mandala – The Workspace

Create a set of small visual reminders of the need to slow down and be present in your life. Zen gardens emphasize the principles of naturalness (Shizen), simplicity (Kanso) and austerity (koko). To make a mini version you will decorate a small wood container filled...

Black History Month Drop-In Craft

Glass Magnets! Choose from a collection of inspirational messages and imagery to create a set of four glass magnets. Drop-in February 15-28, Monday-Friday 2-9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $8 in studio/$9 to go The Workspace at the Memorial Union has lots of new...

Paint Your Own Pottery: Cereal Bowl Week

Join The Workspace and paint a bowl for your morning staple or late-night snack. When you pick up your bowl after firing, we will throw in a single-serve cereal box to get you started. Open to all ages if accompanied by an adult. Drop in February 27-March 4 and paint...