by | Nov 28, 2023
Start at Ames Public Library and find the pages of So Much Snow in windows along Douglas Avenue and Main Street. As you walk, you’ll see woodland animals as they navigate a snowy wonderland in this picture book written by Kristen Schroeder and beautifully...
by | Nov 26, 2023
Start at Ames Public Library and find the pages of So Much Snow in windows along Douglas Avenue and Main Street. As you walk, you’ll see woodland animals as they navigate a snowy wonderland in this picture book written by Kristen Schroeder and beautifully...
by | Nov 5, 2023
For the fourth installment of our Fifth and Clark concert series, the Ames City Auditorium and KURE radio are proud to present Teaze and Ariias. Teaze is a four-piece indie rock band from Ames/ISU who’s single “New Leaf” can be found on all streaming music platforms....
by | Oct 10, 2023
Calling all ghouls, ghosts, goblins, and characters of all kinds…stop by the Library during the Trick-or-Treat event in Downtown Ames for a treat and a free book for young children (while supplies last)! Babies, toddlers, kids, and parents… everyone is encouraged to...
by | Jun 30, 2023
The 4th of July Parade is one of the largest events of the summer and a community favorite! Don your red, white, and blue, and help us celebrate Independence Day at this family-friendly event! Ames History Museum volunteers, friends, and members will be walking in the...