by | Jan 29, 2024
Join the Outdoor Alliance of Story County for a presentation on the birds of Ada Hayden Heritage Park. Presenter Wolfgang “Wolf” Oesterreich has recorded 283 avian species at the park, and will share photos of most. Wolf is Vice President of the Friends of Ada Hayden...
by | Jan 8, 2024
What is the condition of lakes, rivers, and streams in Story County? What has changed? Dan Haug with Prairie Rivers of Iowa will share findings from the fourth year of a locally-led water monitoring program that includes volunteers, Story County Conservation,...
by | Jan 29, 2023
Jim Pease will present “Paddling for Plants and Critters,” stories of his paddles on over 2,200 miles of Iowa rivers in the last eight years. Jim has traveled to many wild places all over the world, but Iowa rivers have always been his home. He’ll...